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Attraction & Retention newsletter – Q3 2024

The job market remains strong and competitive in quarter three.  Read the latest edition of the Attraction & Retention newsletter  to get key employer takeaways on:  the rebalancing labor market;  employee retention statistics and best practices; and  top tips on attracting millennial talent.  Get a full picture of the workplace outlook  and download your edition today!   If you’d like more information regarding the newsletter and our services,  contact our team of experts today ! We’re here to answer any questions surrounding your  employee benefits  and  retirement plan  efforts.  This is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. © 2024 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved. 

How to retain key employees: Employer’s complete checklist

In today’s competitive labor market, retaining key employees is more critical than ever. Essential team members possess unique skills, knowledge and experience that significantly contribute to your organization's success. Losing them can be costly and disruptive, so it’s crucial to prioritize their retention.  We’ve created a comprehensive checklist to help identify and retain your top performers. This tool will help you recognize the qualities that make your key employees indispensable and implement strategies to meet their needs and expectations.  Benefits of using our checklist :  Tackle retention challenges: Learn how to retain top talent in a tight labor market.  Recognize key qualities: Identify the unique attributes that make key employees irreplaceable.  Implement effective strategies: Take action to meet your employees' expectations and keep them engaged.  Secure your top talent and ensure your organization's continued success by downloading our checklist today! 

How to Resolve Employee Benefits Gaps: 8 Strategies to Use Now

In today's competitive employment landscape, many organizations recognize that employees are their most valuable asset. To attract and retain top talent, employers must go beyond competitive salaries and create holistic and meaningful employee benefits packages that address diverse workforce needs.   Understanding and addressing employee benefits gaps is crucial for employers who aim to create an engaged, supported and satisfied workforce.   Well-rounded benefits packages often translate to enhanced employee well-being, boosted retention rates and a positive work culture. This article highlights proactive steps employers can take to identify and assess gaps in employee benefits offerings.  Employer considerations: How to identify employee benefits gaps   Identifying gaps in employee benefits offerings can be a complex task, as it requires a careful assessment of employee preferences, trends and organizational resources. Consider the following strategies for identifying and addressi

Pros vs. Cons of Outsourcing Human Resources: What to Know

In today’s dynamic business landscape, human resources professionals with competing priorities are finding it harder to juggle routine tasks. To find cost-effective solutions that save time and resources, HR departments are trying alternative methods, including outsourcing. Many organizations offer outsourcing for HR tasks. This method is an attractive option when you need more HR staff to complete administrative tasks at a lower cost. While there are positives to shifting your HR management structure, there are also drawbacks. This blog will take an in-depth look at the pros and cons of outsourcing HR tasks and consider whether it’s a passing trend. Then, we’ll dive deeper into the strategic implications and factors to consider when making this pivotal decision. The landscape of HR in the modern enterprise The HR field spans many areas, including external regulations, professional employer organization services, and marketplace and global trends. The scope of HR responsibilities has w

July 2024 Benefits Buzz: Group health plans and PCORI fees deadline 

Group health plan fiduciary litigation on the rise  Enforcement of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act’s strict standards of fiduciary conduct has traditionally been reserved for retirement plan sponsors. However, a new class action lawsuit highlights the importance of employers’ adherence to their fiduciary duties when managing their group health plans.  The lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson alleges the company violated its ERISA fiduciary duties by mismanaging its prescription drug benefit, which cost the health plan and participants millions of dollars. It serves as a reminder to employers that they must prudently select and monitor plan service providers, such as pharmacy benefit managers.  Although it is the first case of its kind, more fiduciary litigation involving the management of prescription drug benefits is expected as the PBM industry faces increasing scrutiny and new transparency laws provide employees with more information regarding healthcare costs.   Why is

Internal vs. external recruitment: 13 pros and cons to know

When it comes to filling a job opening, companies have two options: internal recruitment vs. external recruitment.   Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important for companies to carefully consider which is best for their specific needs. In this blog, we'll explore each method, providing insight on how to make the best decision for your organization.  What is internal recruitment?  Internal recruitment means filling job vacancies from within a company by promoting or transferring current employees to the desired position rather than hiring externally. Internal recruitment can take various forms, such as:  promoting employees to higher positions;  transferring employees to different departments or locations; or   encouraging employees to apply for open positions within the organization.  One benefit of internal recruitment is that it provides opportunities for career development and advancement for current employees. By considering internal candidates,

Employee Medical Benefits: Self-funded vs. Fully Insured

Group employee medical benefit plans typically fall into one of two categories: self-funded or fully insured. The choice of one over the other should not be made arbitrarily. Each type carries its own set of administrative rules and legal constraints.  What is self-funding?   Under an insured health benefit plan, an insurance company assumes the financial and legal risk of loss in exchange for a fixed premium paid to the carrier by the employer. Employers with self-funded (or self-insured) plans retain the risk of paying for their employees’ healthcare themselves, typically from corporate funds.   Most employers with more than 200 employees self-insure some or all their employee health benefits. Many employers with fewer than 200 employees also self-fund, but these employers require greater stop-loss insurance protection than larger employers (stop-loss insurance is discussed below). Generally, employers with fewer than 100 employees fully insure their group medical benefits. In New Yo