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Showing posts from January, 2016

Establishing a High Performing Investment Committee for Corporate Retirement Plans

Survey participants’ responses in our Retirement Survey Report varied widely as to how often their investment committee met to discuss different kinds of retirement plans. However, most participants generally met on a quarterly basis, particularly so with regard to 401(a) profit sharing plans (78%), 401(a) money purchase plans (75%), and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 403(b) plans (59%). By contrast, 29% met semiannually to discuss 401(k) plans—versus 57% who met quarterly—with an additional 26% meeting semi-annually to address issues related to ERISA 403(b) plans. Only 11% of survey participants said their investment committee reviews 401(a) profit sharing plans annually. Similarly, 20% of investment committees for 457 deferred compensation plans also review their plans annually. This is in keeping with general best practices, which encourage investment committees to meet at least annually and, ideally, on a quarterly basis so critical issues and questions can be ad...