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Employer Q&A: What is Financial Wellness?

There is a significant gap between employees and employers regarding financial wellness programs, according to the Harvard Business Review . “80% of employees report being financially stressed. Only 28% of employers offer financial wellness programs,” the article states.   Similarly, Forbes highlights a 2023 Transamerican Institute study showing that 77% of workers consider financial wellness programs an important benefit.  With so much research on the need for these programs, what should employers do?  The first way employers can bridge this gap is to learn what financial wellness is and how it can improve an employee’s overall being. In this short Q&A, we introduce the topic and offer some essential tips to get started.  Q1: What is financial wellness?  A: Financial wellness refers to the sense of security a person feels about their financial situation in all aspects of their life. It means having control over day-to-day finances, being prepared for emergencies and having a plan